Say Goodbye to Bad Hair Days: Effective Solutions for Gorgeous Locks

Tired of wasting time in the mornings trying to fix unruly strands to save yourself from having a bad hair day?
HerStyler has good news for you; with our pro tips, bad hair days will soon become a problem of the past! Read on as we share some super-effective solutions that will not only help you to salvage your strands when your hairstyling efforts seem to go pear-shaped but will also give you the knowledge that you need to avoid more bad hair days in the future!
It Starts in the Shower
How often do you wash your hair? Your answer to that question will have a huge influence on how healthy your hair looks and feels. It’s easy to believe that hair needs to be washed daily or every other day but, in reality, that’s not actually the best way forward. Overwashing your hair can hinder rather than help your locks, making it important to ensure that you aren’t going overboard with the shampoo. Cutting back on your hair-washing sessions may feel strange at first but this will allow your locks to develop their own natural sheen.
While you’re at it, avoid using hot water when shampooing your hair. This will only damage your strands and dry out your scalp. Instead, keep the temperature lukewarm so that there’s enough heat to create a lush lather but not so much that it will harm your hair.
Use a Conditioner That Meets Your Hair’s Needs
The right conditioner can make a big difference to your hair once it has dried. A good conditioner, meaning one that leaves your hair feeling moisturized and replenished, will give you locks that are much easier to manage and style.
With that said, when it comes to conditioners, one size doesn’t fit all. Everyone’s hair has different needs – you’ll need to find a conditioner that meets those requirements. Say, for example, your hair is dry and damaged. Go with a rich conditioner that’s laden with plant oils. This, however, would be too heavy for oily strands, in which case you would need a light conditioner that won’t weigh your hair down.
Prevent Frizz With a Hydrating Hair Serum
Frizz is a nightmare for many. Just a small amount of it is sometimes enough to cause a bad hair day, especially when nothing that you do seems to be capable of flattening that frizz and giving your hair the sleek finish you’re hoping for.
If you want to tackle frizz, you need to understand why it occurs. It all comes down to a lack of moisture. This causes your hair to stand up in an effort to grab onto some of the moisture in the air around you, which is why frizz is usually worse in humid environments. Giving your hair the moisture that it craves will prevent it from doing this, encouraging your strands to remain flat against your head.
How can you give your hair the moisture that it’s lacking? A hydrating hair serum is an easy solution. Look for one that brings together a few different hydrating ingredients, just like the HerStyler Marula Hair Nourishing Serum. With Marula oil, aloe vera, and vitamin E, it will leave your hair feeling smoother and bouncier.
Pay Attention to How Your Hair Dries
If you go to bed with wet hair and then spend the next few hours mussing your strands against your pillow, the subsequent bad hair day will hardly be a surprise. If you want your to look neat and put-together, then it needs to dry in this way.
Fortunately, with a good hair dryer and a vented brush, this is easy! A vented brush allows the hot air to pass through, making it much easier to lock your strands in place as you run your brush through them. Wait until your hair is about 75% dry before tackling it with a blow dryer. Then, finish off with some hair serum to seal your ends and your locks will look professionally styled for days!
Regularly De-Tangle
A good hair day is pretty much impossible if your hair is full of tangles. Not only will these prevent you from achieving a sleek and smooth finish but they’ll also exacerbate frizz while leaving your hair more prone to breakages.
If tangles are something that you deal with on a regular basis, a good de-tangling brush, like the HerStyler Pro Detangler Brush, is what you need. This will gently work its way through any knots in your hair without placing too much tension on your scalp, which would only weaken your roots. Use it while blow-drying your locks for even better results!
Pick the Right Hairstyle
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, there will still be occasions when your hair just doesn’t want to cooperate! Rather than resigning yourself to a bad hair day, picking a hairstyle that suits your hair’s stubborn mood can help to put things right.
Braids, buns, and twists are great go-to’s for times like these. Whether you go intricate with a complex Dutch braid or you keep things simple with a messy top-knot, keeping your hair tied back and off your face will immediately give you a neater-looking finish while also minimizing the appearance of frizz.
Hide Unruly Strands With Hair Accessories
Another option for quickly taking control of a bad hair day is to turn to hair accessories. These only take seconds to add into your locks yet they can completely transform your entire look.
Need some inspiration? A headband is ideal if you need to keep unruly strands off your face while decorative hair clips will give your locks a chic finish. Ribbons, scarves, and bows can also be used to quickly adorn your hair and draw attention away from the areas that aren’t behaving. Not only will they mask a bad hair day but they’ll also give your whole outfit a boost!
Stop Touching Your Locks
Do you often find yourself touching your hair? Whether you tend to regularly push your hair off your face or twirl loose tendrils around your fingers, each time you touch your hair makes you far more likely to experience a bad hair day.
Why? Because the skin on your hands is full of natural oils, not to mention sweat. Touch your hair and this will quickly transfer over onto your strands, leaving you with locks that look frizzy and feel greasy. Although it may be difficult to resist the temptation to caress your tresses every once in a while, you’ll be doing your hair a big favor by keeping your hands away!
Freshen Up Limp Locks With a Dry Shampoo
Woken up with hair that looks limp and greasy but don’t have time to wash and dry your locks? Dry shampoo can be a great quick fix. It works by absorbing excess oil and dirt from the hair, leaving it looking and feeling cleaner.
With that said, don’t be fooled into thinking that using a dry shampoo is a suitable alternative to traditional shampoos. Although a dry shampoo can be handy in an emergency, you’ll still need to regularly shampoo your hair to keep it clean and prevent dry shampoo residue from building up.
Switch to a Silk Pillowcase
Wish that you could wake up to hair that looks smooth and shiny rather than messy and dull? That’s where your pillowcase can make a big difference…
Many don’t realize just how detrimental a regular pillowcase can be to their hair. Cotton and other similar materials may feel soft to the touch but they actually create a large amount of friction when your hair rubs over those surfaces. This increases tangles and frizz. Meanwhile, the way in which those materials absorb moisture can leave your hair looking dull and dry come morning.
Silk or satin, on the other hand, don’t act in this way. They’re much smoother surfaces, enabling your strands to glide over them without the resulting friction. They also don’t absorb moisture in the same way, allowing your hair to keep that moisture for itself instead. This translates into hair that looks vibrantly hydrated and healthy!
Environmental Protection is Key
If you want to put a stop to bad hair days, then this means keeping your hair safe from environmental damage, like UV rays and pollution. The more damage your hair undergoes, the more bad hair days you’ll experience.
How can you prevent this damage? The simplest way is by placing a physical barrier between your hair and the environment around you. Hats and scarves do this well, shielding the hair from both UV rays and pollution. Do this regularly and your hair will soon start to look healthier and happier.
Eat Your Way to Healthy-Looking Hair
Last but not least, let’s talk about your diet. After all, you are what you eat, meaning that your diet significantly influences your hair. Eat the wrong foods and bad hair days will be commonplace – no matter how much styling you do, it’s difficult to make up for a lack of internal nutrients.
When it comes down to it, a healthy, fresh, and balanced diet is key. However, there are also certain foods worth eating more of since they’re known for being particularly beneficial for the hair. The likes of oily fish, such as salmon and herring, lean proteins, leafy greens, eggs, berries, nuts, and seeds will all give your hair the nutrients that it needs to thrive and look its very best.
Say Goodbye to Bad Hair Days With HerStyler
Nobody enjoys dealing with a bad hair day, yet for some, this can be a regular occurrence. If you’ve been struggling to overcome this, the tips above will help. Implement as many of them as possible and it won’t be long before you start to see some major improvements in your mane.
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