11 Habits that are Giving You Frizzy Hair

Tired of constantly trying to fight the frizz?
There could be a simple solution…
While probably not the sole cause of your frizzy hair, these habits could be significantly contributing to your frizz. Make a few changes and frizz-free hair could soon be yours!
Using Warm Water to Rinse Your Hair
Chances are that you take warm, maybe even hot, showers. You probably also wash your hair with warm or hot water too.
What many people don’t realize is that warm water opens up the hair cuticles, which gives the hair a frizzy appearance. On the other hand, cold water closes hair cuticles, giving each strand of hair a sleeker and straighter form.
Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that you need to swap your steamy showers for icy plunges.
Instead, carry on using warm water to wash your hair. However, when it comes to that final rinse after you have washed out most of your conditioner, turn the temperature down to cold.
Rubbing Wet Hair with a Towel
It’s pretty common to reach for a towel to dry your hair after it has been washed. This is even more so the case when you’re in a hurry – rubbing at your hair with a towel can make it dry faster.
However, while vigorously drying your hair with a towel may make life more convenient, it’s not doing your hair any favors…
Whenever you rub a towel against your hair, friction is created. This friction raises your hair cuticles, which enhances frizz.
So, what should you be doing instead?
Rather than rubbing, blot wet hair instead. Do this as gently as possible so as not to interfere with your hair cuticles.
If you want to take things a step further, consider investing in a microfiber towel. This will help to reduce any friction created between your towel and your hair, therefore cutting back on frizz too!
Using a Cotton Pillowcase
Cotton is the most common pillowcase material out there. However, just like when it comes to rubbing your hair with a towel, rubbing your hair against a cotton pillowcase also causes friction, and therefore frizz.
Even if you don’t move about too much in your sleep, shifting your head even slightly against a cotton pillowcase will affect the hair cuticles that are in the way.
So, what’s the alternative?
Swap your cotton pillowcases out for silk.
This may seem extravagant, but, in addition to creating 43% less friction than their cotton alternatives, silk pillowcases also come with a number of other benefits:
- They don’t absorb moisture and oil, meaning that they won’t congest your skin or make your hair look greasy
- They create less friction against the skin, which helps to prevent skin aging
- They have anti-static properties that will keep your blow dry looking fresh for a couple of days
Over-Washing Your Hair
How many times a week do you wash your hair?
Ideally, you should be waiting as long as possible in between shampoo sessions.
Because shampoos are designed to clean the scalp. They trap oil, which is then washed away when you wash the shampoo off.
This is great when it comes to excess oil, but your hair needs a certain amount of oil. That oil is what moisturizes your hair and keeps it protected.
If your hair doesn’t have enough of its natural oils, then it’s going to end up dry and damaged – in other words, frizzy. This is exactly what happens if you wash your hair too often.
So, how often should you wash your hair?
This depends on a few different factors, such as:
- How oily your scalp is
- Your hair type
- How much you sweat
- How much physical dirt builds up in your hair
- How many styling products you use
For the average person, washing your hair every three days is usually recommended.
Applying Hairspray to Warm Hair
Do you use a hairspray?
If so, how many times have you applied hairspray onto warm hair? This means hair that is still warm after being heat styled, whether you’ve given it a blow dry, straightened it, or curled it.
For most people, applying hairspray to warm hair happens more often that not.
So, what’s the problem?
Well, as you already know, heat opens up your hair cuticles. You want your hairspray to lock your hairstyle in place from the outside – you don’t want it penetrating into your hair cuticles and affecting your hair from within.
However, if you apply your hairspray to warm hair, that’s exactly what is going to happen.
Instead, give your hair time to cool down after heat styling before spritzing on your hairspray.
For an even smoother finish, go for a hairspray that doesn’t have a high alcohol content. Make sure that alcohol isn’t one of the first three ingredients on a spray’s ingredient list.
If you’re looking for a new hairspray, give the HerStyler Perfect Hold Hair Spray a try. It’s fast-drying but packed with rich plant oils to keep your hair feeling moisturized and hydrated.
Neglecting UV Protection for Your Hair
Everyone knows how important it is to keep their skin protected from the sun throughout the year. Those UV rays are so dangerous – not only do they lead to skin cancer, but they also cause everything from wrinkles to dark spots.
However, once people are done slathering SPF onto their face and body, they usually head off into the sun, without a second thought for their hair.
That’s right, just like your skin, your hair needs UV protection too.
Sun damage affects the hair in a number of different ways, such as:
- Discoloration
- Dryness
- Hair that breaks easily
- Split ends
- Thinning
- Frizz
If your hair feels totally unmanageable and you just cannot seem to get it to hold a style for very long, then chances are that it is damaged.
How can you repair the look of damaged hair?
Conditioners and hair masks that strengthen the feel of the hair are a must. The HerStyler Argan Oil Hair Mask is an intensely moisturizing mask that has been designed to reduce the visibility of damage.
However, it doesn’t really matter how you treat damaged hair if you’re still allowing your hair to be continuously damaged.
Your very step should be ensuring that no more damage takes place, meaning proper UV protection for your hair.
Try the following:
- Wear a wide-brimmed hat
- Cover your hair up with a scarf
- Use an umbrella
- Apply an SPF hair product
- Save outdoor time for early in the mornings or later on in the afternoons, when the sun isn’t quite so strong
Using a Hair Dryer Without the Right Attachments
If you’re not familiar with the attachments that came with your hair dryer, it’s time to get to know them a little better.
Those nozzles have been given to you for a reason. They help to direct the heat that comes from your hair dryer, aiming it all into one specific place.
Using a nozzle is a must for a frizz-free blow dry.
Don’t forget to also aim the nozzle downwards, rather than upwards – this will help to keep your hair cuticles flat, therefore reducing frizz.
Applying Styling Products That Contain Frizz-Enhancing Ingredients
There are certain ingredients can make frizzy hair so much worse.
These ingredients usually strip the hair of its natural moisture, giving it a dry, coarse, and frizzy appearance.
Make sure that the styling products you use don’t contain any of the following ingredients:
- Ammonium laurel (or laureth) sulfate
- Sodium lauryl sulfate
- TEA laurel sulfate
- TEA laureth sulfate
- Diethanolamine
- Triethanolamine
There are many quality yet affordable products out there that don’t contain these ingredients. The Herstyler Styling Spray is a great example!
Setting the Heat Too High on Heated Styling Tools
Back in the day, heated styling tools would come with just an on/off switch. There would be no option to adjust temperature.
However, hair styling tools have come a long way in recent years. Just about every quality styling product out there will give you the option of adjusting temperature.
Why is this so important?
Because not everybody needs to use a tool’s hottest temperature. For many, this can really dry the hair out. As you now know, dry hair means frizzy hair.
Try turning down the heat on your styling tools for a while and seeing if that makes a difference to your frizz.
If your styling tools don’t allow you to do this, then it’s time to switch to tools that do. Take a look at the Herstyler 5P Curler if you need a new curling wand, or the Herstyler Rose Gold Titanium Turbo Styler if you need a new straightener. Both products allow you to be in full control over the amount of heat you subject your hair to.
Using the Wrong Shampoo and Conditioner
Frizzy hair is more prone to dryness, so you need to be using a shampoo and conditioner that can help to combat this.
Not all shampoos and conditioners are made in the same way. Some people have a very oily scalp, and need a shampoo that can dry up that excess oil – this would be disastrous for those who have very frizzy hair.
Look for shampoos and conditioners that have moisturizing and hydrating properties. Make sure that it has been formulated for your hair type. The Argan Oil Shampoo from HerStyler is a good example, with argan oil known for its incredibly moisturizing properties.
By keeping your hair hydrated, your hair cuticles will look plumped up from within, giving your hair a glossy and smooth sheen.
Not Cleaning Your Heated Styling Tools
Be honest – how often do you clean your heated styling tools?
It may be easy to give your hair straightener or curling wand a quick wipe down after a few uses, but how about your hair dryer?
You’re probably thinking…
Ok, maybe I don’t clean my styling tools as often as I should, but what does this have to do with frizzy hair?
Well, your hair dryer contains a filter that traps dirt, dust, and other impurities. If you allow all of this to build up, then each time you dry your hair, you’re blowing all of those unwanted particles back onto your hair.
As you can imagine, it doesn’t take long for this to interfere with the health and natural shine of your hair, leaving it rough, irritated, and frizzy.
If that wasn’t enough to convince you, a dirty hair dryer can also be a fire hazard. All of that dirt prevents the hair dryer from venting properly.
How often should you clean your hair dryer?
That depends on how often you use it. Every other week should be enough. However, increase this is your hairdryer is heavily used by multiple people.
How do you clean a hair dryer?
Simply twist off or unclip the filter. You’ll see lots of debris collected up in there, so clean all of this out. Then, use a damp towel to gently give you filter a wipe, before giving it another wipe with a dry towel to dry it.
Once you’re satisfied that your filter is clean, reattach it to your hair dryer and continue using it as normal!
The process may take a few minutes to begin with, but you’ll soon have it down and it will become second nature!
People often spend so much time, money, and energy battling with their frizzy hair, not realizing that sometimes all it takes is a few simple changes of habits to eliminate the frizz for good. Whether this may be switching out the styling tools and products that you use or making the effort to protect your hair from frizz-inducing UV rays, give these changes a try and watch how your hair starts to improve!