5-Minute Hair Hacks That Will Transform Your Hair Overnight

Want to improve the look of your mane but don’t have enough time in your schedule to dedicate hours to your locks? These game-changing, 5-minute hair hacks from HerStyler are exactly what you need!
Use an Oil-Infused Hair Serum to Hide the Look of Split Ends
Split ends occur when the ends of the hair undergo damage, be it from heat styling, sun exposure, rough handling, or anything else. Whatever the source may be, this damage causes strands to split and fray.
Once your strands have broken in this way, you can’t fix them. There’s no way to repair split ends, but ignoring them isn’t an option either. Over time, those splits will only travel up your hair shaft. It won’t just be the ends of your hair that look dry, fluffy, and damaged then – the majority of your lengths will start to take on this appearance.
The only way to stop that damage from spreading is to trim split ends away. However, if you’re not able to spare the time for a trim for a couple of weeks, one way to temporarily hide the look of the frizz and dullness that split ends cause is with an oil-infused hair serum. Oils are a great way to moisturize split ends, giving them a fuller and shinier appearance. However, they can be greasy to deal with – a problem that’s overcome by using an oil in the form of a serum.
The HerStyler Advanced Argan Oil Hair Serum features one of the best hair oils around. Argan oil is revered for not just its hydrating capabilities, but also for its antioxidant content. Some research also points to how argan oil can keep the hair feeling better protected against the appearance of environmental damage, much of which is responsible for split ends. Simply dab this serum onto the ends of your hair before bed and your locks will look much healthier overall in the morning.
Massage Your Scalp Each Evening
Most of the hair hacks out there focus on the hair itself. The scalp is often forgotten about, even though it’s primarily responsible for how your hair looks and feels. Giving your scalp some TLC each evening can give your hair some extra bounce and shine.
How can you do this?
This is where scalp massages come in. While there are plenty of scalp massaging tools out there that can make the experience feel even more luxurious, there’s nothing stopping you from using your fingers to give your scalp a quick massage once you get into bed. Simply work your way across your scalp in small circles, applying a medium amount of pressure. Five minutes of this is all your scalp needs to feel an improvement!
Not only are scalp massages a great way to give your scalp and strands a boost, but they are, as you probably know, very relaxing too. Indulge in all of those soothing sensations and you should find that your stress and anxiety levels take a dive, making this one of the best hair hacks for providing mental health benefits too!
Try a Different Hairbrush
Brushing your hair in the evenings is not a necessary task to remove and prevent tangles, but it serves a few other purposes too. It gives your scalp some stimulation to improve circulation while also distributing the oils produced by your scalp, sending those oils down to the rest of your lengths. This is important as those oils keep your hair naturally moisturized.
While some hairbrushes can pull off all of those tasks, others struggle. If your hairbrush isn’t leaving your hair feeling velvety soft and smooth, or if it takes you way longer than five minutes to brush your hair each evening, it could be time to try a different hairbrush.
When picking a hairbrush, keep your hair type, as well as your hair’s needs, in mind. For example, if your hair is severely damaged, a boar bristle hairbrush could be a good option. Boar bristles are known for being gentle with the hair. They’re also great for spreading oil from the scalp.
On the other hand, if you seem to end each day with new tangles and plenty of frizz, a good detangling brush is what you need. The HerStyler Detangler Hair Brush Black, for example, features extended, flexible, and soft bristles that are able to efficiently work their way through knots without causing any damage to your strands or their roots.
Don’t force yourself to do 100 strokes either! Simply brush your hair with care until it’s tangle-free, and then head to bed!
Swap Cotton for Silk
If your hair always seems to look surprisingly frizzy, dull, and unkempt each morning, your pillowcase could be to blame. Pillowcases are commonly made from cotton and other similar materials. While these fabrics may initially feel smooth when you touch them, they actually aren’t. Those tiny fibers produce quite a rough surface that, when rubbed against your hair, creates friction. This friction increases your chances of waking up with frizz and tangles.
Those same materials are also known for being pretty absorbent. While this can be good in some circumstances, it’s not what your hair needs at night. Moisture is vital for ensuring that your strands feel healthy and look glossy. If your hair is lacking in moisture, which can happen very easily when small amounts of its moisture end up absorbed by your pillowcase each night, dryness and brittleness won’t be far away.
What’s the solution? That’s where the next of our hair hacks comes in! Simply switch your current pillowcase for one that’s made from silk or satin. As you’ll know, these materials feel even smoother than cotton, and your hair will agree! Even if you find yourself tossing and turning for hours, you won’t have to worry about friction damaging your strands. Silk and satin aren’t very absorbent either. As a result, your hair will look bouncier and more hydrated each morning.
Start Wearing a Silk Wrap to Bed
This hack follows the same concept as the one above – ensuring that your hair touches silk, rather than any other material, while you sleep. However, this time, it involves doing so using a silk wrap.
Just like a silk pillowcase, a silk wrap provides a few different benefits. It will reduce the look of frizz, split ends, dryness, and damage, giving your hair a healthier appearance.
While any silk scarf can be used for this, wrapping your hair is much faster and easier when you purchase a wrap intended for this purpose. Choose a size that’s suitable for your hair and take your time to begin with when tying it. Make sure that any stray hairs are firmly tucked in before you hit the sack and your locks will look beautifully vibrant in the morning!
Experiment With Heatless Waves and Curls
There’s no denying that curling wands are fantastic for creating gorgeous, natural-looking curls. In fact, many of HerStyler’s curling wands are designed in a time-saving way that will have you quickly rocking a head of show-stopping waves.
However, while that may be the case, heat curling your hair usually takes more than five minutes. It’s also something that’s best done in the morning, rather than before you go to bed.
Fortunately, this is where heatless curls come in. There are so many different methods out there for creating heatless wavy hairstyles, and some are far better than others. One of the simplest is to braid your hair before you go to bed. The larger and thicker your braids, the bigger and more subtle your curls will be. Go with tight mini-braids, on the other hand, and you’ll end up with ringlets. While this is one of the best hair hacks for curling your hair without heat, make sure that you don’t do this with hair that’s soaking wet. Wet hair is extremely fragile and braiding it will only damage it. Instead, your hair should only be slightly damp when giving this hack a try.
Sock curls and headband curls have also been trending lately. Again, these are a great way to give your hair some extra movement and shape in the evening without having to resort to heat.
Indulge in an Overnight Hair Mask
Hopefully, you already use a conditioner each time you wash your hair. However, if your hair is dry or damaged, then there’s a good chance that it would benefit from some extra moisture and nutrients. This is exactly what a hair mask can provide.
While some hair masks, like the HerStyler Argan Oil Hair Mask, are designed to be applied in the shower and rinsed off after 5-10 minutes, others are formulated for overnight use. Simply apply your overnight mask to your locks and then wrap your hair in a mask cap (or a shower cap). Go to bed, rinse your mask off in the morning, and enjoy your beautifully hydrated locks!
Place a Humidifier Near Your Bed
The last of our hair hacks can sometimes be a lifeline for anyone struggling with severely dry hair…
This one is all about countering dryness by adding more moisture to the air. Usually, dryness, and the associated frizz, occur when the environment around you is dry. Not only does this reduce your hair’s moisture content but it also causes your strands to stand up and reach out for any moisture that they can find.
A humidifier turns things around by increasing the humidity of the air around it. Keep one in your bedroom, near your bed, and your hair won’t lose moisture to the same extent while you sleep. Hair that looks hydrated always looks healthier, making this single hack capable of transforming the appearance of your mane.
Hair Hacks From HerStyler
While your hair is most definitely deserving of your time, it’s also understandable if you sometimes need a quick fix to your hair problems. The hair hacks above should help with that while also putting you on the path to healthier-looking hair!
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